FolDer Magazine︎︎︎

2023 #BookDesign #Branding&VI #TypeDesign #VariableFont

A theme based experimental art & design publication that co-curated and designed by Xin Ai and Elliot Zhang (me). Our first issue brings together participants’ art and design works like a folder, showcasing diverse perspectives in response to the same theme - ‘Visual Poetry’.

💡 Graphic Design 🔖 Brand Visual Identity 💥 Motion Design ✏️ Type Design 🚏 Wayfinding Design 💡 Graphic Design 🔖 Brand Visual Identity 💥 Motion Design ✏️ Type Design 🚏 Wayfinding Design

🐚 UI/UX ⌛️ Experimental 🪩 3D Design 🫧 New Media Art 🐚 UI/UX ⌛️ Experimental 🪩 3D Design 🫧 New Media Art 

🎨 Illustration 🎬 Animation ✨ Risography 📗 Book Design 📷 Photography 🎨 Illustration 🎬 Animation ✨ Risography 📗 Book Design 📷 Photography 

Wanna collab with me? Contact: